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Paper proposals specifying this group as primary

Working Group PPID Paper Proposals Proposed By
Heart Failure - Cardiac Function - Morphology 11370 The landscape of somatic mutations in the human failing heart Satoshi Koyama
Heart Failure - Cardiac Function - Morphology 13449 African ancestry-specific common variant association with dilated cardiomyopathy Krishna Aragam
Heart Failure - Cardiac Function - Morphology 7846 Analysis of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging traits in 29,000 individuals reveals shared genetic basis with dilated cardiomyopathy James Pirruccello
Heart Failure - Cardiac Function - Morphology 12093 Association of clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential with cardiac function and heart failure Bing Yu
Heart Failure - Cardiac Function - Morphology 12085 Association of mitochondrial DNA copy number and heteroplasmy with cardiac function and heart failure Bing Yu
Heart Failure - Cardiac Function - Morphology 18316 Association of Protein Biomarkers with Incident Heart Failure Subtypes and Subclinical Echocardiographic Remodeling Leah Kosyakovsky
Heart Failure - Cardiac Function - Morphology 4990 Blood pressure, heart rate, heart failure and mortality in transthyretin amyloidosis. Bernhard Haring
Heart Failure - Cardiac Function - Morphology 12724 Cardiac Structure and Function of Individuals with CHIP. Results from the Sol Study. Bernhard Haring
Heart Failure - Cardiac Function - Morphology 8670 Derivation and Validation of Proteomic Gene Scores to Characterize Pathways in Left Ventricular Hypertrophy Daniel H Katz
Heart Failure - Cardiac Function - Morphology 13619 Epigenome-wide association of cardiac structure and function and heart failure Bing Yu
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