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TOPMed Banner Authorship

The TOPMed banner, NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium, is used to acknowledge individuals who contributed to the overall conduct of TOPMed but do not otherwise meet criteria for by-line authorship for a given manuscript (see TOPMed Authorship Guidelines). Examples of these contributions include designing, managing or leading projects and studies; coordinating, performing, or processing genomic sequence or other omics data; study participant recruitment; phenotype data collection or harmonization; and data quality control/quality assurance.

You may download this list as a .csv or .doc file by using the links at the bottom of this page.

The ACC has also created an R function available as a GitHub gist that can be sourced to format the banner author list for TOPMed publications. Users may also find the NCI Author Arranger tool helpful in formatting the banner and other author lists.

This page gets updated frequently, so please be sure you have the current version.

  • To easily see who is on this list from your TOPMed Project, use the Banner Authorship Filter.
  • To add someone to the banner authorship list, a TOPMed Project or Center PI should send the nominee's name to the ACC at If not done so previously, the nominee will need to be added to the TOPMed directory and sign a non-disclosure agreement before he or she can be added.
  • To update your institutional department and address, please edit your user profile.

Please select one or more TOPMed Projects (see definition) from the list below to filter this list of TOPMed banner authors to only investigators representing those selected projects.

To add someone to this list, a TOPMed Project or Center PI should send the nominee's name to the ACC at If not done so previously, the nominee will need to be added to the TOPMed directory and sign a non-disclosure agreement before he or she can be added.

To remove someone from this list, a TOPMed Project or Center PI should send the investigator's name to the ACC at and request this change. Note that investigators who belong to more than one project or center may have been nominated by the PI of the other project, and the ACC will need to confirm the removal with that PI before completing the request.

Banner Author
Name Institution(s) Primary Department Project Group Sponsoring Pi Institution City Institution State Zip Code Country
Tiwari, Hemant University of Alabama Biostatistics GOLDN, HyperGEN_GENOA Donna K Arnett Birmingham Alabama 35487 United States of America
Tong, Catherine University of Washington Department of Biostatistics MESA Jerome Rotter Seattle Washington 98195 United States of America
Tracy, Russell University of Vermont Pathology & Laboratory Medicine CHS, MESA Jerome Rotter Burlington Vermont 05405 United States of America
Tracy, Russell University of Vermont Pathology & Laboratory Medicine CHS, MESA Bruce Psaty Burlington Vermont 05405 United States of America
Tsai, Michael University of Minnesota MESA Jerome Rotter Minneapolis Minnesota 55455 United States of America
Vaidya, Dhananjay Johns Hopkins University GeneSTAR Lisa Yanek Baltimore Maryland 21218 United States of America
Van Den Berg, David University of Southern California USC Methylation Characterization Center Keck MGC David Van Den Berg University of Southern California California 90033 United States of America
VandeHaar, Peter University of Michigan IRC Gonçalo Abecasis Ann Arbor Michigan 48109 United States of America
Vrieze, Scott University of Minnesota IRC Gonçalo Abecasis Minneapolis Minnesota 55455 United States of America
Walker, Tarik University of Colorado at Denver IPF David Schwartz Denver Colorado 80204 United States of America
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