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Proposal Progress Report

The following table shows the status of APPROVED paper proposals, as reported by the proposer. You may filter proposals based on the specified primary working group, or by proposals that list a specific working group as relevant. The view will display proposals that match either of your criteria.

If you are responsible for an existing paper proposal, you may locate a link to your status report in the table below.

Process Steps
1. Analysis Tools
2. Comp./analysis Tools
3. Data Access
4. Dataset Preparation
5. Discovery Analysis
6. Follow-up Analysis
7. Replication Analysis
8. Functional Follow-up
9. Draft Manuscript
10. Co-author Review
11. Manuscript Submission
12. Manuscript Revision
13. Publication
14. Simulations (methods papers)
15. Application (methods paper)
Completed Completed
In Progress In Progress
Not Yet Started Not Yet Started
Not Yet Started Not Available
0 - 0 of 0

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