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Novel genetic loci identified for telomere length leveraging 50,000 whole genome sequences in the Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) project

Margaret A. Taub, Kruthika Iyer, Joshua Weinstock, Ali R. Keramati, John Lane, Tom Blackwell, Lisa R. Yanek, Nathan Pankratz, Gonçalo Abecasis, Rasika A. Mathias, on behalf of the NHLBI TOPMed Consortium
Name and Date of Professional Meeting
ASHG (Oct 16-20)
Associated paper proposal(s)
Working Group(s)
Abstract Text
Prior GWAS have identified 11 loci harboring common genetic determinants of telomere length (TL); several of these loci have been implicated in human disease. These studies have relied on genotype array/imputation data and TL generated through qPCR or Southern Blot. Large-scale whole genome sequencing (WGS) gives the opportunity to analyze TL data on large numbers of subjects with extensive phenotyping to (1) generate estimates of TL; (2) expand our knowledge of genetic determinants of TL; and (3) add to our understanding of the role these variants may play in disease etiology.

WGS data were generated within the NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) project, and TL was estimated on 93,219 samples using TelSeq software. We performed single variant association tests using mega-analysis, combining data from 27 TOPMed studies on a subset of 49,899 subjects within the current genotype data freeze in TOPMed (~86 million variants after filtering sites with minor allele count below 5). We used a two-stage approach, initially screening variants with a standard linear model adjusting for sex and study, followed by a linear mixed-model also adjusting for population structure and relatedness on the subset of variants with p<0.01 from the first-stage analysis (conducted on the Analysis Commons,

We discovered four novel TL loci with common variants (MAF>1%), including three with strong biological interest: (1) TERF1 (p=4.8x10-9), encoding a telomeric repeat-binding factor; (2) RFWD3 (p=2.7x10-9), encoding a protein involved in DNA damage repair; and (3) TINF2 (p=3.5x10-10), a component of the shelterin complex, which protects against telomere shortening; and (4) LINC01429 (p=3.0x10-8). There were 47 rare variants that achieved genome-wide significance for TL. We replicated 6 common loci previously associated with TL: NAF1 (p= 4.2x10-11), OBFC1 (p=6.4x10-16), TERC (p=4.9x10-20), TERT (p=1.3x10-26), ZNF208/ZNF676 (p=1.5x10-8), and RTEL1 (p=7.8x10-11).

Our TOPMed Working Group is examining methods to correct for batch effects in these TL data. In the near future, we will include an additional ~45,000 TOPMed subjects with WGS that will improve our ability to (1) fine-map the common variant loci; (2) identify novel loci through gene-based approaches; and (3) given known differences in TL by population, maximize our power to identify genetic determinants within groups.
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