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Recommendations on the use and reporting of race, ethnicity, and ancestry in genetic research: Experiences from the NHLBI TOPMed program

Submitting Author
Khan, Alyna
Submitting Author's Email
Alyna T. Khan, Stephanie M. Gogarten, Caitlin P. McHugh, Adrienne Stilp, Tamar Sofer, Michael Bowers, Quenna Wong, L. Adrienne Cupples, Bertha Hidalgo, Andrew D. Johnson, Merry-Lynn McDonald, Stephen T. McGarvey, Matthew R.G. Taylor, Stephanie M. Fullerton, Matthew P. Conomos, Sarah C. Nelson
Journal name for most current submission
Cell Genomics
Associated TOPMed paper proposal
This manuscript has been approved by the original paper proposal's Working Group(s) or is "single PI"
This manuscript has been approved by the original paper proposal's Working Group(s) or is "single PI"
I have followed instructions for TOPMed Acknowledgments
I've received approval for all data sets used in this manuscript, including adding new data sets and canceling all unused ones.
I've received approval for all data sets used in this manuscript, including adding new data sets and canceling all unused ones.
I have followed the Data Use Limitations for each of the data sets used in this manuscript, if applicable.
I've included at least 1 co-author from each study used in analysis or the PI declined an offer to have their study represented.
I certify that all co-authors have reviewed and approved the manuscript for submission.
I've included at least 1 DCC/ACC author, or they declined authorship or deemed acknowledgement sufficient.
I have not
I’ve included at least 1 IRC author, or they declined authorship or deemed acknowledgement sufficient.
I have not
I've included at least 1 author from relevant omics center(s) or they declined authorship or deemed acknowledgement sufficient.
I have not
Parent Study: Consent Group Review Status
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