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A loss-of-function IFNAR1 allele in Polynesia underlies severe viral diseases in homozygotes

Manuscript ID: 13834

Submitting Author
Minster, Ryan L
Submitting Author's Email
Paul Bastard
Kuang-Chih Hsiao
Qian Zhang
Jérémy Choin
Emma Best
Jie Chen
Adrian Gervais
Lucy Bizien
Marie Materna
Christine Harmant
Maguelonne Roux
Nicola L. Hawley
Daniel E. Weeks
Stephen T. McGarvey
Karla Sandoval
Carmina Barberena-Jonas
Consuelo D. Quinto-Cortés
Erika Hagelberg
Alexander J. Mentzer
Kathryn Robson
Boubacar Coulibaly
Yoann Seeleuthner
Benedetta Bigio
Zhi Li
Gilles Uzé
Sandra Pellegrini
Lazaro Lorenzo
Zined Sbihi
Sylvain Latour
Marianne Besnard
Tiphaine Adam de Beaumais
Evelyne Jacqz Aigrain
Vivien Béziat
Ranjan Deka
Litara Esera
Satupa‘itea Viali
Muagututi‘a Sefuiva Reupena
Take Naseri
Peter McNaughton
Vanessa Sarkozy
Jane Peake
Annaliesse Blincoe
Sarah Primhak
Simon Stables
Kate Gibson
See-Tarn Woon
Kylie Drake
Adrian V. S. Hill
Cheng-Yee Chan
Richard King
Rohan Ameratunga
Iotefa Teiti
Maite Aubry
Van-Mai Cao-Lormeau
Stuart G. Tangye
Shen-Ying Zhang
Emmanuelle Jouanguy
Paul Gray
Laurent Abel
Andrés Moreno-Estrada
Ryan L. Minster
Lluis Quintana-Murci
Andrew C. Wood
Jean-Laurent Casanova
Journal name for most current submission
J. Exp. Med.
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