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The functional impact of rare variation across the regulatory cascade

Submitting Author
Montgomery, Stephen
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Taibo Li1*, Nicole Ferraro2*, Benjamin J. Strober1,3, Francois Aguet4, Silva Kasela5,6, Marios Arvanitis1,7, Bohan Ni8, Laurens van de Wiel9, Elliot Hershberg10, Kristin Ardlie4, Dan E. Arking11, Tim Assimes9, Rebecca L. Beer12, Jennifer Brody13, Thomas W Blackwell14, Clary Clish4, Stacey Gabriel4, Robert Gerszten4,15, Xiuqing Guo16, Namrata Gupta4, W. Craig Johnson17, Tuuli Lappalainen5,6, Henry J. Lin16, Yongmei Liu18, Deborah A. Nickerson19, George Papanicolaou12, Jonathan K. Pritchard20, Pankaj Qasba12, Ali Shojaie21, Josh Smith19, Nona Sotoodehnia13, Kent D. Taylor16, Russell P. Tracy22, David Van Den Berg23, Stephen S. Rich24, Jerome I. Rotter16, Alexis Battle1,8,10**, Stephen B. Montgomery10,25**
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