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Clonal hematopoiesis is associated with protection from Alzheimer’s disease

Submitting Author
Jaiswal, Sidd
Submitting Author's Email
Hind Bouzid
Julia A. Belk
Max Jan
Yanyan Qi
Chloé Sarnowski
Sara Wirth
Lisa Ma
Matthew Chrostek
Herra Ahmad
Daniel Nachun
Winnie Yao
Alexa Beiser
Alexander Bick
Joshua C. Bis
Myriam Fornage
W. T. Longstreth, Jr.
Oscar Lopez
Pradeep Natarajan
Bruce Psaty
Claudia L. Satizabal
Joshua Weinstock
Eric Larson
Paul K. Crane
C. Dirk Keene
Sudha Seshadri
Ansuman T. Satpathy
Thomas Montine
Siddhartha Jaiswal
Journal name for most current submission
Nature Medicine
Associated TOPMed paper proposal
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Parent Study: Consent Group Review Status
ARIC:DS-CVD-IRB Request cancelled by original requester
ARIC:HMB-IRB Request cancelled by original requester
FHS:HMB-IRB-NPU-MDS Approved automatically after 2 weeks
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