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Association of Rare Protein-Truncating DNA Variants in APOB or PCSK9 With Low-density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Level and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease

Manuscript ID: 14451

Submitting Author
Dron, Jacqueline
Submitting Author's Email
Jacqueline S. Dron
Aniruddh P. Patel
Yiyi Zhang
Dimitri J. Maamari
Minxian Wang
Eric Boerwinkle
Alanna C. Morrison
Paul S. de Vries
Myriam Fornage
Lifang Hou
Donald M. Lloyd-Jones
Bruce M. Psaty
Russell P. Tracy
Joshua C. Bis
Ramachandran S. Vasan
Daniel Levy
Nancy Heard-Costa
Stephen S. Rich
Xiuqing Guo
Kent D. Taylor
Richard A. Gibbs
Jerome I. Rotter
Cristen J. Willer
Elizabeth C. Oelsner
Andrew E. Moran
Gina M. Peloso
Pradeep Natarajan
Amit V. Khera
Journal name for most current submission
JAMA Cardiology
Associated TOPMed paper proposal
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This manuscript has been approved by the original paper proposal's Working Group(s) or is "single PI"
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Parent Study: Consent Group Review Status Actions
CARDIA:HMB-IRB Approved automatically after 2 weeks
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MESA:HMB Approved
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