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Admixture mapping of severe asthma exacerbations in Hispanic/Latino children and youth

Manuscript ID: 13403

Submitting Author
Pino-Yanes, Maria
Submitting Author's Email
Esther Herrera-Luis, Angel C. Y. Mak, Javier Perez-Garcia, Elena Martin-Gonzalez, Celeste Eng, Kennenth B. Beckman, Scott Huntsman, Ruperto González-Pérez, José M. Hernández-Pérez, Elena Mederos-Luís, Yang Yie Sio, Paloma Poza-Guedes, Olaia Sardón, Paula Corcuera, Inmaculada Sánchez-Machín, Javier Korta-Murua, Carlos Martínez-Rivera, Joaquim Mullol, Xavier Muñoz, Antonio Valero, Joaquín Sastre, Sabrina Llop, Maties Torrent, Maribel Casas, José R. Rodríguez-Santana, Jesús Villar, MD, Victoria del Pozo,Fabian Lorenzo-Diaz, Keoki Williams, Erik Melén, Fook Tim Chew, Luisa N. Borell, Esteban G. Burchard, Maria Pino-Yanes
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