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Inherited causes and clinical consequences of clonal hematopoiesis from 100,002 whole genomes

J. Weinstock, A. Bick, S. Nandakumar, V. Sankaran, A. Reiner, S. Jaiswal, G. Abecasis, P. Natarajan, S. Kathiresan on behalf of the NHLBI TOPMed Consortium
Name and Date of Professional Meeting
ASHG 2019
Associated paper proposal(s)
Working Group(s)
Abstract Text
INTRODUCTION: Clonal Hematopoiesis of Indeterminate Potential (CHIP) is a clonal expansion of blood cells arising from a leukemogenic somatic mutation in hematopoietic stem cells. CHIP increases with age and has been associated with hematologic malignancy and coronary artery disease.

OBJECTIVES: Simultaneous somatic and germline whole genome sequence analysis now provides the opportunity to identify root causes of CHIP. Here, we analyze genomes from 100,002 participants of diverse ancestries in the NHLBI TOPMed program to identify inherited variation associated with CHIP and its clinical consequences.

METHODS: We identified CHIP through somatic variant calling with MuTect2 followed by filtering on known leukemogenic CHIP driver mutations. We analyzed associations between CHIP and clinical phenotypes including blood traits, inflammatory markers and stroke. We performed a genome-wide association study to identify common inherited germline variation associated with the development of CHIP. We applied burden tests to rare loss-of-function (LOF) variation in coding genes, and rare regulatory variation in hematopoietic stem cell enhancers.

RESULTS: We identified 4,587 individuals with CHIP, 90% of whom had a single driver mutation. >75% of the driver mutations were in one of three CHIP driver genes (DNMT3A, TET2, and ASXL1). CHIP prevalence was strongly associated with age (p<10-300).

CHIP associated with blood cell trait RDW (p=1.3 x 10-4), and inflammatory markers IL-6 (p=4.6 x 10?5) and Lp-PLA2 (p=1.8 x 10?7). We found an increased risk for the first nononcologic incident event conferred by CHIP – ischemic stroke (Adjusted HR: 1.1, p=0.047), with larger CHIP clones (VAF>20%) conferring increased risk (HR: 1.2, p=0.008). CHIP driver gene specific phenotypic profiles were also observed.

Four genome-wide significant risk loci were associated with CHIP, including one locus at TET2 that was African ancestry specific. Computational analyses of the TET2 locus implicated rs79901204 as the causal variant which disrupts a hematopoietic stem cell specific enhancer element. Rare LOF variants in CHEK2, a DNA damage repair gene, and rare regulatory variation in HAPLN1 enhancers, a bone marrow stromal cell protein, were the top associations with CHIP in rare variant analyses (p=2.1 x 10-5 and p=2.0 x10-5 respectively).

CONCLUSION: Heritable variation altering hematopoietic stem cell function and the fidelity of DNA-damage repair increased the likelihood of developing CHIP.
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