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Large-scale characterization of CYP2D6 variation in African Americans using TOPMed whole genome sequencing data

Seung-been Lee1, Marsha M. Wheeler1, James G. Wilson2, Adolfo Correa3, Pramod Anugu3, Deborah A. Nickerson1,4, NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium
Name and Date of Professional Meeting
ASHG 2018 (TBD)
Associated paper proposal(s)
Working Group(s)
Abstract Text
Genotyping CYP2D6 is important for precision drug therapy because the enzyme it encodes metabolizes about 25% of drugs, and its activity varies substantially within and between populations. Over 100 haplotypes or star alleles have been defined for CYP2D6. These are characterized by single nucleotide variants, insertion-deletion variants, and structural variants that include gene deletions, duplications, and hybridizations with a nearby non-functional but highly homologous paralog CYP2D7. Although many star alleles are known to exhibit distinct population frequencies, further investigation of CYP2D6 variation is warranted in non-European populations because these are underrepresented in the overall estimation of CYP2D6 genetic diversity. In this study, our goal was to comprehensively survey CYP2D6 variation in a large African American cohort. Specifically, we performed CYP2D6 genotype analysis of 3,418 African American samples from the Jackson Heart Study that were whole genome sequenced by the Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) program. These samples were genotyped using Stargazer, a bioinformatics tool we recently developed for accurate calling of star alleles in various polymorphic pharmacogenes, including CYP2D6. From our samples, we found a total of 41 unique haplotypes including the decreased function CYP2D6*17 (16.6%) and *29 (7.8%) alleles that are commonly found in individuals of African ancestry and the non-functional CYP2D6*4 allele (3.1%). We also observed extensive structural variation ranging from zero to five gene copies and numerous CYP2D6/CYP2D7 hybrids. That is, 22 out of 41 detected haplotypes had structural variation: 5.4% with a gene deletion (CYP2D6*5), 7.0% with a gene duplication (CYP2D6*1x2, *2x2, *4x2, *10x2, *17x2, *29x2, *34x2, *41x2, *43x2, *4N+*4, *36+*10, *68+*4, *77+*2, and *78+*2), 0.1% with a gene multiplication (CYP2D6*1x3, *2x3, *4x3, *29x3, and *34x3), and 1.3% with a gene hybridization (CYP2D6*4N, *36, *66, *68, *76, *77, and *78). Overall, 25.5% of the samples had at least one type of structural variation and based on diplotype calls, 1.6%, 8.9%, 84.4%, and 3.9% were predicted to be poor, intermediate, normal, and ultrarapid metabolizers, respectively. We are currently expanding our analysis to include other cohorts in the TOPMed program. These results demonstrate the importance of enhancing our understanding of CYP2D6 genetic diversity in large and diverse datasets in order to achieve precision drug therapy.
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